徒手骨盆就是不需要产品和仪器,通过双手对骨盆进行操作,达到骨盆矫正收缩的效果。很多人认为只有女性产后才需要做骨盆矫正,其实不然,我们生活中的很多坏习惯都会 导致骨盆变形,所以需要做徒手骨盆的不仅仅只是产后女性。通过徒手骨盆来解决女性子宫脱垂、产后漏尿、阴道松弛、骨盆变形、长短腿、高低肩、富贵包、妈妈臀、妇科疾病等.
I'm a developer with a passion for teaching. I'm the lead instructor at the London App Brewery, London's leading Programming Bootcamp. I've helped hundreds of thousands of students learn to code and change their lives by becoming a developer
Great course. Well structured, paced and I feel far more confident using this software now then I did back in school when I was learning. And the guy doing the voice over really is great at what he does
Very deep course for a beginner, enjoyed everything from the very start and every detail is vastly investigated and discussed. A nice choice for those, who are enrolling Python.